Eulogy for a Dead Hat...

I think you'll agree there's something for everyone in my final Royal Wedding post today! Tomorrow I'll probably return to posting about more serious matters, but for one last time, here is my selection of outrageous, funny and silly hat photos courtesy of Princess Beatrices Ridiculous Royal Wedding Hat page on Facebook. And of course, many thanks to our very own Princess Beatrice (5th in line to the English throne, would you believe) whose lack of dress sense has given us so much laughter and entertainment . . .
Enjoy! Erika x

For football fans

For business tycoons

For budding business tycoons

For Lycra T Shirt fans
For UK Soap opera fans
For Playgirl fans

For music lovers
For the discerning moose

For dictators
For Star Trekkies

For Movie Buffs

For the ladies

For Windows users
For Horror Movie fans
For comedians
For anyone who wears silly hats
For Monarchists
For social climbers
For Bargain Hunters
For Doctor Who fans

For Alpha Males

For dentists

THE END ..... at least until the next Royal Wedding :)


  1. Hilarious Erika, thiugh that hat looks normal on Lady Gaga!

  2. bloody 'ell, that hat looks good on everyone!

  3. Loved the "Get it off" one!!! Hilarious!!

  4. Oh Erika, say it isn't so! I don't want this series of hilarities ever to end.

    So glad you picked "our Hyacinth" to model it before it retires to the realm of ... whatever realm ridiculous hats retire to.

    Thanks for all the belly laughs! :D

  5. I suppose you think this discussion is 'old hat' now.

    I've enjoyed the giggle.

  6. Ha ha ha, nuovofelt!

    Pleased to hear you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed putting it together:)


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Someone once said that comments are like chocolates - you can never eat just one. As a chocoholic, I love to dip into your replies, and always respond to as many comments as I can!
Erika x