Meet Lucy!

Great news - we have at last decided on a name for our new puppy: meet 4 week old Lucy, the cocker spaniel. Isn't she adorable?! And hasn't she grown since you saw her in my first puppy post?! You can't hold her in the palm of your hand any longer, LOL:)

Apparently she's a really fast eater, and has started exploring with a vengeance - better get checking that the garden is still dog-escape-proof. Lucy will be coming home with us at the end of July - can you tell we're very excited?!


  1. Awwwww ... Lucy is GORGEOUS! I bet you can't wait to get her home :-)

  2. Awwww! I hadn't seen the arrival post of your little 'Lucy', but I'm here now...and she's adorable!!! :-)

  3. Absolutely gorgeous and a wonderful choice for a name. You must be so excited!

  4. Lucy's a great name, and, as I said on Twitter, she's an amazingly cute puppy! I want one just like her!

  5. Erika I am so happy for you. Toby, our Cocker is so loving and faithful. You will thoroughly enjoy her. Oh and they are nuts too.

  6. I'm in love!!! She is adorable--love those eyes!! xo

  7. thats a cute dog you have there :)

  8. Lucy is the PERFECT name for her! Adorable. I love puppy breath!

  9. Missed your first puppy post. Will go back and check on her when she could fit in the palm of your hand! She is gorgeous! Lucy, a great name!

  10. AWWW! She really looks like a cute little Lucy!

  11. Unbearably cute! You must be counting the days!

  12. She is so sweet- lovely name and it suits her. I bet she is going to be a real bundle of fun:)

  13. so cute! I love it. Lucy remember of a bettles song

  14. Awww!
    Lucy is a little heartbreaker!

  15. ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh Lucie is gorgeous !!!

  16. Lucy!!! You picked the perfect name for her, Erika! And she's so adorable I just want to rub noses with her right here on my 'puter.

    Can''t wait to see her "at home" with you later this month, and to watch her grow up. Go Lucy!

  17. Lucy looks adorable! Who could resist these eyes?

  18. AWWWW Lucy is just TOOOO sweet, cute and just adorable!!!! Oh I wanna cuddle!!!


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Erika x