Wordless Wednesday 2013 #25 - CraftBritannia at the V&A

The Garden at the V&A Museum
From left: Me, Sarah & Simmi
From left: Naomi, Fiona, Alex & Ana
Last week I met for lunch with some of my fellow CraftBritannia members at the fascinating Victoria and Albert Museum in London. We had a great day, and chatted so long there was only time for a quick whiz round the Fashion Galleries and the Jameel Gallery of Islamic Art before it was time for afternoon tea in the fabulous Morris, Gamble and Poynter Rooms

The V&A Cafe in the Morris, Gamble and Poynter Rooms
I'm the blonde on the left in the second photo, and I can't wait for our next meetup! Craftbritannia is a friendly and diverse group of artisans from all over the UK, who sell their handcrafted products on Etsy. Find out more about CraftBritannia at: http://craftbritannia.com/

Wordless Wednesday is a great way to meet new people, just post a photo on your blog (words are optional!) then add your link below. Feel free to grab my button from the sidebar, and if you have time please leave a comment as I love to hear from you! Link up with other WW participants by clicking on one or more of the thumbnails below. Happy Wordless Wednesday!
