Wordless Wednesday 2013 #27 - Flowering Laburnum

In our garden we have several lovely specimen trees and this laburnum, or goldenchain tree, is well over 250 years old. This beautiful old tree always produces a mass of yellow flowers in late spring, but this year it flowered a couple of weeks later than usual, and looked even more spectacular!

These images are dedicated to David of Wordless Wednesday by David, whose mother has just passed away - please say a prayer for David & his family x

Wordless Wednesday is a great way to meet new people, just post a photo on your blog (words are optional!) then add your link below. Feel free to grab my button from the sidebar, and if you have time please leave a comment as I love to hear from you! Link up with other WW participants by clicking on one or more of the thumbnails below. Happy Wordless Wednesday!
