Wordless Wednesday 2013 #51 - Ural Owls
I'd never encountered a Ural Owl until I saw this pair at the Salina Bird Park in Malta a couple of months ago. These sleepy looking birds are deceptively fierce and quite large, with a wingspan of around 4ft, and prey on small mammals including hares, and birds, frogs and insects. Ural owls are apparently quite common in the Ural mountain forest region from Eastern Scandinavia across the Baltic to Japan. So now you know!
Wordless Wednesday is a great way to meet new people, just post a photo on your blog (words are optional, but I'm a chatterbox!) then add your link below. Feel free to grab my button from the sidebar, and if you have time please leave a comment as I love to hear from you! Link up with other WW participants this week by clicking on one or more of the thumbnails below. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

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Someone once said that comments are like chocolates - you can never eat just one. As a chocoholic, I love to dip into your replies, and always respond to as many comments as I can!
Erika x